3D Scanner gets Much Needed Upgrades!

Up until now my 3D scanner used a very cheap $15 webcam for recording images. It’s worked so far for prototyping but I wanted to integrate more methods of scanning into my device. I had already put a lidar sensor on the machine before this upgrade for around $40 at microcenter but now it’s integrated into this new head unit. I also added more cameras. One of which is a dual lens stereo camera (currently $81.99). I also added a grid laser projector that cost me another $40. I’m attempting my own version of structured light projector but for now I’m using a mini projector. The laser is controlled by a relay mounted inside the unit. All of which connects to a raspberry pi mounted inside of it. I was lucky enough to buy mine a couple years before the shortage. That’s one of the reason my design is modular. It can run with a computer or laptop if you can’t get your hands on a raspberry pi.
The head unit is modular and can be mounted easily to camera stand with 1/4 mount. It can be used to capture scans on it’s own or when hooked to the rest of the fully automated scanner. Which at the moment is under going some major revisions to accommodate the new head unit.

Current Parts Listed Below

ELP Synchronized Dual Lens Stereo Camera Model Number B083JSDD97 (Make sure you get the one WITHOUT lens distortion).

Benewake TFMini-S

Embedded Mega2560

Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB)

Inland Raspberry Pi 4 B Camera Webcam

a ton of 1/4 heat pressed threaded inserts (don’t judge it’s what I had!)

1/4 1inch hex cap bolts

The current design in progress has been evolving almost daily. I’ve been managing most of the my CAD drawings and coding on my gitlab: https://gitlab.com/whyamisoawkward2021/earlgrey/

Downloadable STL’s can be found at:
