New Concept for Head Unit Design

I’m not sure if I’m going to run with this design but after doing some research on different shapes and how they’re applied in modern robotics. I decided to mess around with a spherical design for my head unit. This is just a rough concept I hammered out from my existing design. I have a lot of really neat ideas for this version including an auto focusing feature for the laser grid. Unfortunately for me money is a huge problem right now and even though the materials I need total less than a few hundred dollars. I just don’t have the funds. I have family to take care and bills to catch up on. So for now I’ll have to make some prototypes without the auto focusing feature. I also wanted to make just the front of the device spin. This would mean putting the laser in the center and adding a slip ring connector.

At any rate these are my concept designs and once I have one that I know will print well I’ll post the STL’s to my Thingiverse profile. at:

Right now I’ve been combing the internet for ideas. I really like this article in particular